Privacy Policy

To comply with the GDPR, websites have to inform the users of the cookies being used on the website and get their consent to be using them.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a privacy law that regulates the processing of personal data relating to individuals in the European Union. GDPR strengthens the rights that individuals have regarding their personal data, and seeks to unify data protection laws across Europe.

Some data is collected automatically when you visit this website, and some – directly provided by you, when you send me inquiries. That might be: your name, e-mail, IP address, information about website visits, statistical and analytical traffic data.

This website uses third party analytics software from Google, Facebook and WordPress. In some cases, a cookie might be placed on your side to better understand who is visiting this website and how you use it. The cookies are used to enable you to have a better experience with the content on this website. I don’t serve ads to site visitors using any third-party tools.

Cookies are small text files that website stores on a browser when you visit the website. You may revoke your permission to use cookies at any time. Detailed information about cookies, their use, opt-out options at Disabling required cookies may slow down browsing, restrict certain features of the website, or even block access to the website.

Your personal data is retained for no longer than required by the purposes of the processing. I undertake not to disclose your personal data processed to third parties, except when such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with legal obligations.

You have a right: of confirmation and access; to rectification; to erasure; of restriction of processing; to data portability; to object; to withdraw data protection consent; of appeal to the competent supervisory authority.

This website may contain links to external websites not owned by, or officially affiliated with me in any way. I am not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

You can always revisit your Cookies Consent.