And there you go, it’s October once again, 25th, and in a few hours I will turn 36. 36 years old.
Time goes fast but the last years, so far, have been the best of my life. Nothing to regret, nothing I want to complain about.
I miss a lot of friends, some of them because I moved abroad…and then moved again, some others are just not here anymore.
Friends – and family – are deep parts of your life. But sometimes you need to be ready to let go. You need to be brave enough and have faith: things will work out, eventually.
Life is constantly evolving, changing in such a mysterious and beautiful way. It fascinates me, every damn time, how we are able to change.The first step is the hardest one, you need to see your limitations, admit they exist, confront them, sit down with your fears, your weak spots.
Finland was deep, a deep experience. It changed me so much that in the end I don’t think I was the same person anymore.
But I could not expect Lithuania to change me even more, and in way less time. I am surprised because I read somewhere how hard it is to change when you get older, if you don’t change before you get to 30 no chances to do it after. Well, apparently it doesn’t work like that. I am far away from my 20s and I travel at the speed of light.
I’ll be 36 in few hours, I have been living in Lithuania almost 2 years and I think I know where I am going.
Happy birthday Claudio. We made lots of mistakes so far but come on…the journey has been legend….wait for it…
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